Mobile Hospice and Euthanasia Serving the Collegiate Peaks Area

What is veterinary Hospice Care?
Knowing that your pet is probably in the final stages of his or her life, and while coming to grips and acceptance of eventual euthanasia, hospice care endeavors primarily toward maintaining comfort, managing pain, maintaining hydration, preserving appetite, mobility assistance and preserving the sacred human-animal bond. While we do not want our pets to un-necessarily suffer, some terminal conditions are not painful and it becomes necessary to allow families to come to terms with the eventual passing of their companion.
Please reach out to Dr. Gastellum by direct email ( to discuss your unique situation. Please provide as much detail as possible. If you are seeking a second opinion, please have your primary care veterinarian email records to as well.
Euthanasia and After-Care Services
The decision to euthanize your pet is very personal, sad, and gut-wrenching. As a vet and a pet owner, Dr. Gastellum has personally experienced the extreme difficulty involved with this decision, and we promise to give your pet and unique situation thoughtful consideration.
At Home Pet Doctor provides pet euthanasia services in the privacy of your own home where your pet is most comfortable, or at our office in Buena Vista. We also offer a hybrid service where we come to your home and administer the sedative, but perform the euthanasia in our mobile clinic parked outside.

How Do I Know When It’s Time?
Each pet and client’s situation are unique and Dr. Gastellum will counsel you appropriately. We will consider medical history and perform an exam to provide a recommendation. In some instances, however, it is inherently apparent that euthanasia is the best option to prevent further suffering. These include:
- Intractable seizures
- Paralysis of one or more limbs
- Total loss of appetite and thirst
- Inability to walk leading to soiling oneself and subsequent sanitary issues
- Advanced age, blindness, aimless wandering, inappetence, loss of quality of life
- Advanced cancer—especially cancer of the bone, which is very painful
- Change in personality, becoming aggressive toward family members and other pets
- Organ failure—usually accompanied by weight loss, appetite loss, sometimes increased thirst if kidney failure, lethargy, loss of interest in life

How Do I Schedule Euthanasia Services If You Have Never Seen My Pet?
When you come to the point of considering euthanasia, reach out to us and complete an online request. Email medical records to (or ask your veterinarian to send them).
Euthanasia requests are given priority consideration, but please keep in mind our business hours. During the winter, road conditions and your location are also a consideration for house calls and response time.
For Existing Clients
Please reach out to us and complete an online request. We may already have completed the prerequisite workup.
The Euthanasia Procedure
The first part of the euthanasia process is to provide your pet with a sedative so he/she falls into a peaceful sleep. We give the euthanasia solution (Pentobarbital) intravenously and the process will be complete just a few moments later. We will confirm euthanasia was successful and give you as much time as you need with your pet both before and after the procedure.
Aftercare options are typically burial or cremation.
For burial: check with your local county and town ordinances to verify this is permitted.
For cremation: Ark Valley Humane Society (AVHS) has the only certified pet crematorium in the Valley. We can provide transport, but might require some assistance moving the animal from the house into the mobile clinic. If you prefer to provide transport yourself, AVHS is located at 701 Gregg Drive in Buena Vista. Please call them at (719) 395-2737 for current hours and fees (payment for AVHS services is due at the time of the admission). Should an after-hours appointment be necessary we do have a key to gain entrance to AVHS no matter the hour or day.
Special Requests:
Through the years I have had clients request euthanasia to occur at a particular location that was special to their pet and meaningful to the client, the most common being a certain trail, trailhead or other outdoor location. I am happy to accommodate these requests as long as the weather permits. These do require more time, preparation and planning, and appropriate fees apply.
We want you to know that we are most honored that you have selected us to be a part of this painful and solemn occasion. If you believe it might be time, please reach out to us and complete an online request.